Visualizable Type  

Color Attribute

Allows you to get and set the color of a Generative Shape Design feature. The Color attribute is defined as a character string. When comparing values,  bear in mind that the color attribute must be written in lowercase and not in uppercase. The color can be specified either by its full name or by its hexadecimal value:

black = "#000000";
green = "#008000";
silver = "#C0C0C0";
gray = "#808080";
white = "#FFFFFF";
maroon= "#800000";
red = "#FF0000";
purple= "#800080";
navy = "#000080";
blue = "#0000FF";
teal = "#008080";
aqua = "#00FFFF";
fushia = "#FF00FF";
lime = "#00FF00";
olive = "#808000";
yellow = "#FFFF00";

Show Attribute

Allows you to get/set the Show/NoShow mode of a Generative Shape Design feature. The Show/NoShow mode is to be set by a boolean (true/false).

Pick Attribute

Allows you to set the "Pickable" status of  a feature so that it can or cannot not be selected in the geometrical area. The Pick attribute is to be set by a boolean.

Layer attribute

Allows you to get/set the layer associated with a feature.


Expert Rule1
(for all) G:GSMCurve
if G.Show == False
then G.Show = True

Expert Rule2
(for all) P:GSMPoint
P.Color = "blue"
P.Show = False
Message ("Curve pick is set to #", G.Pick)
P.Layer = 1
Message ("Point layer is set to #", P.Layer)