Declaring Variables

The variables described below are those you can declare in the For All field of the Rule Editor or in the Check Editor.
  • Variables must comprise letters and/or digits.

  • Variable names have no size limitation.

  • Variable names are case-sensitive character strings.

  • Variable names must not conflict with unit names. To get an exhaustive list of the units supported by Knowledge Expert, see the Units field of the Knowledge Expert browser in the Check/Rule Editor.

  • Types starting with a digit (2DCircle) or containing a special character (+,-,...) must be written as follows:  %2DCircle%, "%" acting like delimitators.

To declare variables in the For all field of the Check/Rule Editor, see Defining Types in the Check/Rule Editor.  
When using KWE language, you may now declare autoreferencing variables in the Check or the Rule body by using Thisrule or Thischeck. For more information, see Accessing the Expert Check in the Check Body.