About Algorithms for Derivatives Providers

This topic explains how to use the dedicated algorithm for derivatives providers. This algorithm can only be used with features that provide their own derivatives such as Analysis local sensors.

Problem Tab

  • Select the parameter that you want to optimize. In the scenario described below, you want to optimize the Mass parameter of the sensor.
  • Select the free parameters and assign them ranges. In this scenario, you are going to select the following parameters:

  • In the Algorithm type scrolling list, select the Algorithm for Constraints & Derivatives Providers.
  • Enter the Termination criteria:

    Note that:
    • If one of the termination criteria is set to 0, it will not be taken into account.
    • If the Criteria window is set to 0, the termination criteria will not be taken into account.
    • The Criteria window must be superior to 0 to be taken into account as well as one of the other Evolution criteria.

Constraints Tab

  • Click . The Optimization Constraints Editor is displayed.
  • Select the desired constraint. In this scenario, you will use the Displacement Vector.1 and use the lower part of the window to enter the constraint body (see picture opposite).
  • Click Run Optimization when done.


Entering the following constraint body:

Cst==2mm means:


Where Ε is the precision (set to 1 by default).

For more information about the analysis data that can be used in conjunction with the Product Engineering Optimization (PEO) application, see Integration with Product Engineering Optimization.