In the specification tree, select GARDENAVALVE then
control-click GARDENATRIGGER
The two items are highlighted in the specification
tree and in the geometry area. |
Click Clash
The Check Clash dialog box is displayed.
Make sure the interference type is set to Contact + Clash and Inside
one selection.
Click Apply, when done Ok.
The specification tree is updated.
Double-click Simulation.1 in the specification
tree. The Edit Simulation and Kinematics Simulation dialog
boxes are displayed.
Click Edit Analysis button in the Edit
Simulation dialog box.
The Edit Analysis in Simulation dialog box is
Click Add then select interference 1 from the
displayed Select dialog box
The Edit Analysis in Simulation dialog box
is updated:
Click OK to confirm your operation.
You defined an interference.
Set the Interference to On using the drop-down
The specification tree is updated. |
To locate the clash position more precisely, set the
Interference to Stop in the Edit Simulation dialog
The simulation stops at the position where a collision is
detected between GARDENAVALVE and GARDENATRIGGER products. The
products in collision are highlighted. |
Click Edit Analysis in the Edit
Simulation dialog box. The Edit Analysis in Simulation
Click Browse.
The Check Clash dialog box is displayed. The
specification tree is updated accordingly.