Migrating V4 Polyhedral Surfaces into CATIA V5

This task shows you how V4 Polyhedral Surfaces are copied As Result into CATIA V5. When Copy / Paste As Result is required, V4 Polyhedral Surfaces are converted into V5 as Surface feature so that it can be modified by V5 operators.
In CATIA V4, open a model containing a Polyhedral Surface *POL:

In Interactive Mode:

  1. Apply a Check AS RESULT or AS SPEC on the .model for instance. The Check Validity dialog box appears:

  2. Click OK in the Check Validity dialog box.

  3. Select the Surface *POL from the specification tree and copy it.

  4. Open a New CATPart document.

  5. Select the CATPart and choose the Paste Special contextual menu. The Paste Special dialog box is displayed. Choose the paste AS_RESULT option and click OK.

  6. Paste the Surface as Result in this new CATPart.

  7. Update the document, either using the Update icon or the Edit > Update menu, and you obtain:

The Faces of the V4 Polyhedral Surface are migrated into CATIA V5; they are gathered in a V5 Surface feature. You have the same result if you copy / paste AS SPEC the model into a CATPart.

Note that:
  • You have the same result if you copy / paste AS SPEC the model into a CATPart.
  • For each V4 faceted element, a V5 plane face is created.
  • Generic naming:
    • If a V4 surface is made of several sub-volumes, every Faces contained in the same sub-volume is grouped together in V5, in a V5 Surface feature.
    • If a V4 surface is made of a unique sub-volume, each V5 face is independent from the others (it enables to increase CPU performance when V5 operators, such as Split, are applied on the generated Surface).

To sum up:

V4 to V5 Migration

As Result As Spec
SPACE Elements
*PT Point Point Datum N/A
*CPT Clouds of Points V5 Clouds of Points N/A
*LN Line Line Datum N/A
*CRV Curve Curve Datum N/A
Circle (CIR) Curve Datum N/A
Ellipse (ELL) Curve Datum N/A
Parabola (PAR) Curve Datum N/A
Hyperbola (HYP) Curve Datum N/A
*CCV Composite Curve Curve Datum N/A
*NRBC NURBS Curve Curve Datum N/A
*PLN Planes Plane Datum N/A
*POL Polyhedral Surfaces Surface Datum N/A