Line Types

The following task explains the methodology for managing V5 Line Type standards for V4 to V5 migration. You will learn: 
  • how the migration of line types is carried out,
  • and what you need to pre-define concerning the V5 standard parameters before starting the migration process.

Migration mechanism

The following mapping is used to migrate a line type (line font) from V4 to V5 (n represents the line type number):

  • The first six V4 line types are mapped to the first eight V5 line types. These may not be modified.

    V4 line type 1 to 6 = V5 line type 1 to 8 
  • Line types from 7 onwards (to 32) must be mapped by the administrator.

    V4 line type n = V5 line type n +2 

    Example V4 line type 10 = V5 line type 12
This mapping is also used when browsing V4 models in V5.


You need to reference the V5 user-defined line types in V5 as there were in V4.

In V4, line types are defined in the STANDARD/LINETYPE function.

In V5, when migrating a V4 model, it is the lines defined in the Standards Editor, under Standard > name_of_standard > Linetypes which are referenced. However, when browsing a V4 model, it is the lines defined in Tools > Options > General > Display > Linetypes tab which are referenced.