New Document Naming Convention in V4ToV5 Migration

With all the new options delivered by the V4ToV5 Migration Batch, a new document naming system appears. The other migration batches also inherit this new naming convention. It is specific to the options of document structure.

In the following explanations, each time a name is written in blue, it means that we are keeping the V4 elements identifier.
The name of documents generated by the V4 to V5 migration soft is dependant of structure choice.

_"Name of the solid" is used to name one document that represents a V4 solid.

_"Name of the Set" is used to name one document that represents a V4 Geometrical Set.

_"Name of the WorkSpace" is used to name one document that represents a V4 SPACE workspace.

The string "_Non_Solid" is used for document that contains curves, planes, points,

General rules

  • The name of the higher level document: "Name of the model"

  • The name of the document representative of one solid is (in case of solid structuring): Name + _"Name of the solid"

  • The name of the document representative of the layer N is (in case of layer structuring): Name + _Layer "N"

  • The name of the document representative of one set is (in case of set structuring): Name + _"Name of the Set"

  • The name of the document representative of one detail is (in case of ditto structuring): Name + _"Name of the Detail"

  • The name of the document representative of non solid geometry is: Name +_"Non_Solid"

  • The name of the document representative of all 3d elements (solid + non solid) is: Name + _"3D"

  • According to the structure, the names can be combined.

Particular Cases

  1. Only solids are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are exploded, therefore ditto are not structuring.

    If there is only one solid, there will be only one CATPart. It will be named with the name of the model, without any reference to the name of the solid.

  2. Only layers are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are exploded, so ditto are not structuring.

    Naming according to general rules.

  3. Only sets of the MASTER are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are exploded, so ditto are not structuring.

    If there is only one geometrical set in the MASTER, there will be only one CATPart. It will be named with the name of the model, without any reference to the name of the set.

  4. Ditto are not exploded, so they are responsible for V5 structure, and in this case, they are the only one to have this structuring role.

    "Name of the model"+_3D_+"Name of the Workspace" ( if the workspace is the Master, "Name of the model"+3D)

  5.  Layers and solids are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are exploded, so ditto are not structuring.

    Naming according to general rules.

  6. Solids are structuring, and ditto are not exploded, so they are also structuring.

    For each solid in a workspace, the resulting document will be named: "Name of the model" + _"Name of the solid"
    For non solid geometry in a workspace, the resulting document will be named: "Name of the model" + _"Name of the Workspace" + _Non_Solid ( if the workspace is the Master, skip the name of the workspace).


  7. Solids and sets are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are exploded, so ditto are not structuring.

    "Name of the model" + "Name of the Set of Master" (only geometrical sets of MASTER are taken into account)


  8. Solids and sets are responsible for V5 structure. Ditto are not exploded, so ditto are also structuring.


    Naming according to general rules.

  9. In this case, nothing is responsible for the V5 structure, not even the ditto, because they are exploded.

    Naming according to general rules

  10. Current case: "one CATPart for each set":
    It is the original behavior of V4 to V5 batch. Sets are responsible for V5 structure, but also ditto, because they are not exploded.

    Naming according to general rules.