Multi-Selecting V4 Components within the Specification Tree (for Hide/Show)

In the previous task, the elements of a subset can be selected for Copy/Paste, Hide/Show operations, etc. This task shows you how to select a V4 subset in CATIA Version 5 for Hide/Show. The Hide/Show functionality can be activated in the contextual menu of the subset.
Open the document AllV4ElementTypes_NoShow.model and zoom in on this geometrical figure:


  1. In the Specification Tree, select the elements *FAC3, *FAC4, *FAC5 and *FAC6 in the Subset FAC by keeping the Ctrl key pressed.

  2. Right-click and select the Hide/Show contextual command from the contextual menu.

    As a consequence, these Faces disappear and they are now visible only in the Hide area.

  3. If you want to display the Faces in the Geometry area, select them again in the Specification Tree and select the Hide/Show contextual command.

For more information about the Hide/Show functionality, please refer to Hiding and Showing Objects in the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide.

Open the document AllV4ElementTypes_NoShow.model and zoom in on the same geometrical figure.
  1. If you select the Subset FAC in the Specification Tree, all the sub-elements will be selected:

  2. You can apply the Hide function on this group of elements using the contextual menu:

    And all the Faces under the subset FAC disappear from the Geometry area:

  3. If you want to display the Faces in the Geometry area, select the subset FAC again in the Specification Tree and select the Hide/Show contextual command.