Definition of Hanger Attributes

The following chart explains what attributes mean, and also lists attributes that users must define when they are building new parts. The meaning of many attributes is obvious, such as nominal size. However, there are other attributes for which users may need explanation.  

Most columns below are self-explanatory. Note the following points:


Class Attribute Name Required Type Value Discrete list location Definition Usage More Information
Support Part Hanger Specification No string discrete Chapter names in material spec catalog   1) Allows the user to select the required Hanger from the catalog during placement time.
2) Propagate attribute values from the specification to the Hanger being placed.
  MaterialCategory No string discrete Discrete Values directory   During Hanger placement, this attribute can be used to filter the catalog in order to select the required Hanger. The value will also propagate to the Hanger if a value is not already defined.  
  PartName No string discrete Family in design rules catalog Name of part under a Part Type
(I.e. Type = "Rack Trapeze Style"; Name = "Overhead Trapeze")
During Hanger placement, this attribute can be used to filter the catalog in order to select the required Hanger.  
  SymbolName No string discrete Family in design rules catalog Name of specific part under a Part Name
(I.e. Name = "Overhead Trapeze"; Symbol = "Heavy Duty")
During Hanger placement, this attribute can be used to filter the catalog in order to select the required Hanger.   
  Standard Yes string discrete Chapter names in standards catalog Defines the set of values for attributes that are defined on the Hanger During resizing, the new size will be selected from the values that are in the associated standard.  
  AllowableSupportedWeight Yes mass single n/a Maximum weight that the hanger can support The Analyze Cable command will rely on this attribute to compute the allowable weight that can be supported. If this attribute is not defined then this capability will not be available. Non-System Attribute
Rigid Hanger Height Yes (for HVAC & Waveguide) length single n/a Height of non-round routable being supported, i.e. HVAC Define Hanger size during placement. It is also needed during Hanger size modification when trying to size the hanger based on the outside dimensions of the routable part it is supporting. 1) Make override if the Hanger is parametric
2) If the value is defined in a design table,  then this parameter should not be defined as an override parameter.
  Width Yes (for HVAC & Waveguide) length single n/a Width of Non-Round routable being supported, i.e. HVAC Define Hanger size during placement. It is also needed during Hanger size modification when trying to size the hanger based on the outside dimensions of the routable part it is supporting. 1) Make override if the Hanger is parametric
2) If the value is defined in a design table,  then this parameter should not be defined as an override parameter.
  Diameter Yes (except Electrical) length single n/a Diameter of routable being supported, i.e. Piping, Tubing Define Hanger size during placement. It is also needed during Hanger size modification when trying to size the hanger based on the outside dimensions of the routable part it is supporting. 1) Make override if the Hanger is parametric
2) If the value is defined in a design table,  then this parameter should not be defined as an override parameter.
  Nominal Size Yes (where necessary) string discrete Standards catalog Nominal size of routable being supported Define Hanger size during placement. It is also needed during Hanger size modification.  In most cases, this parameter is used to locate the proper row in a design table.
  LegLength1 Yes (if you have stretchable downcomer) length single n/a Calculated length of leg1 Automatically valuated based on the design table during placement. During the attach definition of a hanger, the Hanger leg is stretched to a structure. The value LegLength1 will be set based on the connect operation. The value is defined by the distance between the datum point and the attach connector for leg1. 1) Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement or attach hanger to structure.
2) The value of this parameter can also be driven from a design table with standard length values.
Non-System Attribute
  LegPartNumber1 No string single n/a Part number of leg1 Not required for Hanger definition and creation. However, this information may be needed for BOM generation (Material take-off) and other reports. The value is set based on what is defined in the design table. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all LEG related attributes.
Non-System Attribute
  LegAngle1 Yes (if downcomer needs to change angle) angle single n/a Calculated angle of leg1 Automatically valuated during placement, attach hanger and stretch hanger's LegAngle1 to a structure. The value can be calculated by the vector from the datum point to the compass origin and the normal vector of the plane that the compass lies on. Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement or attach hanger to structure.
Non-System Attribute
  LegLength2 Yes (if you have stretchable downcomer) length single n/a Calculated length of leg2 Automatically valuated based on the design table during placement. During the attach definition of a hanger, the Hanger leg is stretched to a structure. The value LegLength2 will be set based on the connect operation. The value is defined by the distance between the datum point and the attach connector for leg2. 1) Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement or attach hanger to structure.
2) The value of this parameter can also be driven from a design table with standard length values.
Non-System Attribute
  LegPartNumber2 No string single n/a Part number of leg2 Not required for Hanger definition and creation. However, this information may be needed for BOM generation (Material take-off) and other reports. The value is set based on what is defined in the design table. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all LEG related attributes.
Non-System Attribute
  LegAngle2 Yes (if downcomer needs to change angle) angle single n/a Calculated angle of leg2 Automatically valuated during placement, attach hanger and stretch hanger's LegAngle2 to a structure. The value can be calculated by the vector from the datum point to the compass origin and the normal vector of the plane that the compass lies on. Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement or attach hanger to structure.
Non-System Attribute
Rack NumberOfTiers Yes integer single n/a The number of tiers attribute must be defined to allow proper geometry visualization. The geometry of the tiers should be tied to this parameter. During the geometry definition, the user will have to define rules that will drive the geometry display of the tiers. If the value of the "NumberOfTiers" attribute is set to 2 by the user, then the geometry corresponding to the 2 tiers should be displayed. All other tier geometry should be deactivated. Will be calculated when a hanger is inserted in a loft or when a hanger replaces a section. The user may also key in this value. In Edit Parameters, if this parameter is changed and the hanger has cables routed through it, the cables may be adjusted accordingly.  In the Analyze Cable command, this can be automatically calculated for recommended number of tiers based on size of cables in case it's overloaded.  Also used to determine the active tier attributes that are available. For example if NumberOfTiers=1 then TierSpacing2 can be ignored. Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierSpacing1 Yes length single n/a Total space between the bottom of tier1 and the bottom of tier2.  This includes the TierHeight, the Cable Clearance, and the space available for cables. This attribute should be defined such that it drives the location of Tier-2 geometry. 1) Default value is used to determine the value NumberOfTiers when inserting hangers into a loft or replacing sections with hangers.
2) In conjunction with CableClearance and the TierHeight, this determines whether or not a cable can be routed.
Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierSpacing2 Yes length single n/a Total space between the bottom of tier2 and the bottom of tier3.  This includes the TierHeight, the Cable Clearance, and the space available for cables. This attribute should be defined such that it drives the location of Tier-3 geometry. 1) Default value is used to determine the value NumberOfTiers when inserting hangers into a loft or replacing sections with hangers.
2) In conjunction with CableClearance and the TierHeight, this determines whether or not a cable can be routed.
Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierSpacing3 Yes length single n/a Total space between the bottom of tier3 and the bottom of tier4.  This includes the TierHeight, the Cable Clearance, and the space available for cables. This attribute should be defined such that it drives the location of Tier-4 geometry. 1) Default value is used to determine the value NumberOfTiers when inserting hangers into a loft or replacing sections with hangers.
2) In conjunction with CableClearance and the TierHeight, this determines whether or not a cable can be routed.
Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierSpacing4 Yes length single n/a Total space between the bottom of tier4 and the bottom of tier5.  This includes the TierHeight, the Cable Clearance, and the space available for cables. This attribute should be defined such that it drives the location of Tier-5 geometry. 1) Default value is used to determine the value NumberOfTiers when inserting hangers into a loft or replacing sections with hangers.
2) In conjunction with CableClearance and the TierHeight, this determines whether or not a cable can be routed.
Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierSpacing5 Yes length single n/a Total space for tier5.  This includes the TierHeight, the Cable Clearance, and the space available for cables. 1) Default value is used to determine the value NumberOfTiers when inserting hangers into a loft or replacing sections with hangers.
2) In conjunction with CableClearance and the TierHeight, this determines whether or not a cable can be routed.
Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  TierWidth Yes length single n/a Hanger section Width. Defines the Width of the Lofted Pathway. This attribute should be associated to the geometry of the section that is included as part of the Hanger definition. This is important to ensure that the geometry will resize correctly when this parameter is modified.  Will be calculated when a hanger is inserted in a loft or when a hanger replaces a section. The user may also key in this value. In Edit Parameters, if this parameter is changed and the hanger has cables routed through it, the cables may be adjust accordingly. In Analyze Cable, this can be automatic calculate for recommended number of tiers base on size of cables in case it's overloaded. 1) Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
2) The value of this parameter can also be driven from a design table with standard width values.
  TierPartNumber No string single n/a Part number of tier Not required for Hanger definition and creation. However, this information may be needed for BOM generation (Material take-off) and other reports. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all Tier related attributes.
  NumberOfLegs Yes integer single n/a   Use to calculate RackSize Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
  LegWidth Yes length single n/a Portion of leg that is parallel to the TierWidth Use to calculate RackSize 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all LEG related attributes.
  LegLength1 Yes length single n/a Calculated length of leg1. This attribute should be associated with the geometric definition of the Hanger Leg. This is needed to allow proper geometry adjustment when the parameter value is changed. Automatically valuated during placement, attach hanger and stretch hanger's leg1 to a structure. The value is defined by the distance between the datum point and the attach connector for leg1. 1) Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
2) The value of this parameter can also be driven from a design table with standard length values.
  LegPartNumber1 No string single n/a Part number of leg1 Not required for Hanger definition and creation. However, this information may be needed for BOM generation (Material take-off) and other reports. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all LEG related attributes.
  LegLength2 Yes length single n/a Calculated length of leg2. This attribute should be associated with the geometric definition of the Hanger Leg. This is needed to allow proper geometry adjustment when the parameter value is changed. Automatically valuated during placement, attach hanger and stretch hanger's leg2 to a structure. The value is defined by the distance between the datum point and the attach connector for leg2. 1) Make override if the value of this parameter will be defined during placement.
2) The value of this parameter can also be driven from a design table with standard length values.
  LegPartNumber2 No string single n/a Part number of leg2 Not required for Hanger definition and creation. However, this information may be needed for BOM generation (Material take-off) and other reports. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all LEG related attributes.
  GrowthFactor Yes (mostly Electrical) real single n/a Minimum percentage of the RackSize that must be available to allow for more cables to be routed in the future. At placement time, value is propagated to the hanger from a default that is defined by the Hanger specification or the project (PRM). During Cable routing, the growth factor is used to validate the computed cable route path. If the Hanger that is included in the computed cable route path is overloaded due to Growth factor limitation, then the cable route path will be rejected. If (Percentage Fill + GrowthFactor) > 100, Hanger will be an overloaded Hanger
  KeyStationNumber No string single n/a Key station name(alpanumeric). This name is defined based on several rules: The geometric position of the Hanger (Compartment, Deck, etc.), a unique sequence number within a specific Deck, etc. The Key station name gives the user the ability to determine the location of the Hanger by looking at this defined name. A classified hanger is very likely to have most of the cable passing through in its immediate network vicinity.
  CableVolumeHeight Yes (Electrical) length single n/a Hanger section Height. Defines the height of the Lofted Pathway. The geometry of the Hanger section must be associated to this attribute.  The "CableVolumeHeight" will drive the geometry definition of the section. The attribute should be defined based on the available number of Tiers attribute such that if the number of tiers changes, the value of this attribute must change. The value of the parameter must be defined during part build. The value should be computed form the NumberOfTiers and the TierSpacings
  RackSize Yes (Electrical) length single n/a Total available space that can be used for cable routing for the Hanger. The growth factor is included in the RackSize definition. When you insert Hanger on a Loft, the Hanger TierWidth will be computed based on the RackSize. The cable route will be computed based on the Hanger RackSize availability. The Hanger is considered full if the Racksize is totally used.  RackSize = NumberOfTiers * (TierWidth - (NumberOfLegs * LegWidth))
  TierHeight Yes length single n/a   Required when trying to compute the space available between 2 Tiers. The space available will determine if a cable can be routed. 1) Can be automatically valuated using a design table.
2) When a design table is used, the user must associate this design table to the Hanger. The design table can contain values for all Tier related attributes.
3) Available space = TierSpacing - CableCleanrance - TierHeight
  CableClearance Yes length single n/a Minimum space that must be available between the top of the cable to the bottom of the higher tier 1)  Value is propagated to the hanger from a default that is define by the Hanger specification or the project (PRM)
2)  Required when trying to compute the space available between 2 Tiers. The space available will determine if a cable can be routed.
Available space = TierSpacing - CableCleanrance - TierHeight
  TierMaterial Yes string single n/a   During Hanger placement, the user can select the TierWidth in the "Section Definition" fields. For this purpose, the TierMaterial is required to help locate the required TierWidth in a design table. If a design table is used to define the TierWidth, then the TierMaterial will be used to ensure uniqueness of each row in the design table.
Attribute in Design Table column
  DownComer1Material Yes string single n/a   During Hanger placement, the user can select the LegLength1 in the "Section Definition" fields. For this purpose, the DownComer1Material is required to help locate the required LegLength1 in a design table. If a design table is used to define the LegLength1, then the DownComer1Material will be used to ensure uniqueness of each row in the design table.
Attribute in Design Table column
  DownComer2Material Yes string single n/a   During Hanger placement, the user can select the LegLength2 in the "Section Definition" fields. For this purpose, the DownComer2Material is required to help locate the required LegLength2 in a design table. If a design table is used to define the LegLength2, then the DownComer2Material will be used to ensure uniqueness of each row in the design table.
Attribute in Design Table column
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