Helping Pictures

There are Helping pictures you can access in all Functional Feature dialogs.

The Helper pictures guide you to build a feature easier. You can simply click on the button from the dialog. When you want to close the Helper picture, you can click on the button to close the side panel.



To obtain an optimized accuracy and a correct position of the text inside the picture, you need to store your screen dimensions (in millimeters), in the following two variables:
  • set CATWidthMMOfScreen = width_in_millimeters  (on Windows)
    export CATWidthMMOfScreen = width_in_millimeters  (on UNIX)
  • set CATHeightMMOfScreen = height_in_millimeters  (on Windows)
    export CATHeightMMOfScreen = height_in_millimeters  (on UNIX)

Otherwise, the measured dimensions may vary depending on the operating system.

You have to do these measurements by yourself using a tape measure. The screen dimensions correspond to the horizontal measurement followed by the vertical measurement.
If your computer does not use the full screen for display (e.g. if there is a strip on the left side and right side of your screen), you have to measure only the part of the screen used for display.