In the specification tree, select Simulation.1.
Click Smooth.
The Smooth dialog box is displayed. |
Enter 10 mm in the Translation step box.
Click OK.
This is what you obtain: |
SMOOTH.CATProduct without saving the modifications, then re-open it
(a track is defined).
Select Track.1 either in the specification tree or in the
geometry area.
Click Smooth .
The Smooth dialog box appears. |
Keep the parameters values listed above, and click
The track is smoothed. |
Now you are going to play your smoothed track: |
Click the
and select Track.1 in the specification tree.
Player is active. You can replay your
track with respect to:
- time (in seconds),
- a specified shot or,
- path finder or smooth specifications if previously defined
(this is the case in our example)
You can replay your smoothed track using the pathfinder parameter
in the Player list:
- selecting pathfinder parameter in the drop-down list swaps to
the right interpolation (spatial-based interpolation, smooth
- Alternatively, you can choose to keep the default parameter
(time in seconds), but it this case the consistency between the
smooth specification and the way it is played are not guaranteed
Click Play Forward
to play your smoothed track.