Adding A Shuttle in a Simulation

This task shows how to add a shuttle in a simulation. In our example you need to move first the starthandle to dismount  the startinghouse.
Open the ADDING_SHUTTLE.CATProduct document. Within it, it contains a shuttle with the startinghouse (referred as shuttle.1).
  1. In the specification tree, select Shuttle.1. In the specification tree, click Shuttle.1.

  2. Select Insert > Simulation.

     The Edit Simulation dialog box and Preview window appear.
    The starting shot (shuttle initial position) is automatically recorded.
  3. Move the shuttle to the desired location with the manipulator.

  4. Select the Insert button and record the desired shots.

    You need to move the starthandle, for this: create a shuttle without exiting the simulation command.
  5. Click Shuttle I_MoveP2.gif (263 bytes).

  6. Select DEMO_CGE_CHAINSAW_BODY_STARTHANDLE.1 either in the geometry area or in the specification tree (expand the Body item).

  7. Click OK to confirm the shuttle creation.

  8. Select the Edit simulation objects button in the Edit Simulation dialog box.

    The Edit Simulation Objects dialog box is displayed.
  9. Select Add and select shuttle.2 in the Select dialog box, and click OK.

  10. Click OK in the Select dialog box.

  11. Click OK in the Edit Simulation Objects dialog box to confirm your operation.

    The shuttle.2 is identified in the specification tree.
  12. Move the shuttle.2 to the desired location with the manipulator.

  13. Click the Insert button and record the desired shots.

    You can dismount the startinghouse.