Shear Panel Property

Shear Panel property is a physical property assigned to surface elements. This property can be applied only on linear quadrangle elements (QD4).

A shear panel property references a material assigned to the surface part and describes a thickness associated to this surface part. A shear panel property is associative to the geometry this property points at.

Associated to this property, linear quadrangle elements (QD4) have:

  • a plane stress state,
  • two degrees of freedom per node (both translations in the finite element plane),
  • no transversal stiffness,
  • longitudinal shearing.

The input and output characteristics are:

  • Input:

    • Material

    • Thickness

  • Output:

    • Stress

    • Strain

    • Point force vector 

    • Elastic energy
    • Elastic energy density 
    • Estimated error 

Those characteristics can be expressed at the given positions in the elements and in different axis systems:



Axis System 


Center of element 

Nodes of element 

Gauss point 









Point force vector




Elastic energy





Elastic energy density 





Estimated error