Adding Leaders and Using Breakpoints 

This task shows you how to add:
  • A leader to an annotation.
  • A breakpoint on the created leader.
  • A leader from the created breakpoint.
You can add a leader to geometrical elements associated with the annotation or anywhere apart from geometry.
Open the Annotations_Part_04.CATPart document:
  1. Right-click the annotation text and select Add Leader from the contextual menu.

  2. Click the face as shown to begin the leader (arrow end).

    Then new leader appears.
  3. If needed, position the leader at the desired location by dragging it.

  1. To add a breakpoint, select the manipulator at the extremity of the arrow end and select the Add a Breakpoint from the contextual command.

    The breakpoint appears as yellow diamond. You can select it and drag the leader.
  2. To add a leader from the breakpoint, select the breakpoint and select the Add an Extremity contextual command.
    This command is only available for text and flag note annotations.

  1. Click the face as shown to begin the leader (arrow end).

    The leader appears.