Lining Up Dimensions (Reference)  

This task will show you how to you how to line up the following dimensions according to a given reference:
  • Length dimensions
  • Distance dimensions
  • Radius dimensions 
  • Diameter dimensions 
  • Angle dimensions

Line up Dimensions

Open the Tolerancing_Annotations_10.CATPart document.
  1. Create dimensions system as shown.

  2. To align the dimensions of a system with a reference dimension, select all the dimensions in the dimension system.


    When selecting the dimensions, make sure that they belong to a single, coherent system (if you select dimensions which could form two different systems, you could get unexpected results).

  3. Right-click and select Line-up from the contextual menu or select Tools > Positioning > Line-up from the menu bar .

  4. Select the reference dimension, the Line Up dialog box appears.

    This dialog box contains the following options:

    • Offset to reference: Distance or angle to the selected reference.
    • Offset between dimensions: Distance or angle between dimensions that can be organized as cumulated or stacked dimensions.
      For  both the above options, two fields are available. The first field is dedicated to length, distance and angle dimensions and the second field (grayed out in our example) is dedicated to radius and diameter dimensions. Whether a field is active depends on the type of dimension selected.
    • Align stacked dimension values: Aligns all the values of a group of stacked dimensions on the value of the smallest dimension of the group.
    • Align cumulated dimension values: Aligns all the values of a group of cumulated dimensions on the value of the smallest dimension of the group.
    • Automatically add a funnel: Displays a funnel automatically whenever the dimension value of cumulated dimensions cannot be displayed correctly.
    • Only organize into systems: Neither the smallest dimension of each system nor dimensions that cannot be organized into systems will be moved. When checked, it makes the Offset to reference option obsolete.
    • Reset: Resets the options according to the settings customized in Tools > Options > Functional Tolerancing & Annotations, Dimension tab, Line-Up field.
  5. Enter the desired value for the offset to reference. For example, 15 mm.

  6. Enter the desired value for the offset between dimensions. For example, 10 mm.

  7. Optionally, select Align stacked dimension values to align all the values of a group of stacked dimensions on the value of the smallest dimension of the group.

  8. Optionally, select Align cumulated dimension values to align all the values of a group of cumulated dimensions on the value of the smallest dimension of the group.

  9. Make sure the Only organize into systems option is not selected.

  10. Click OK to validate.

    The dimensions are lined up.

  11. Select all the dimensions and right-click and select Align into System from the contextual menu or select Tools > Positioning > Align into System from the menu bar.

    The dimension gets aligned in the existing dimension system.

  • Only length or distance dimensions and angle dimensions can be lined up as cumulated or stacked dimensions.

  • Dimensions which have a common reference extension line can be lined up as cumulated or stacked dimensions.