Moving a Wire Connection

This task shows you how change the wire connection location on a wire.
This command is deactivated when working with external data.
  1. Click Move Connection .

  2. Select the wire connection to be moved in the specification tree.
    You are prompted to select the segments along which you want to sweep the connection.

  3. Select the segments as shown below:

    The Selection dialog box opens.

    For each selected segment, the wire connection location will be inverted to the other segment extremity.

  4. Click OK to validate.

    The connection has been moved to the segments' other extremity and the wires have been resized.

    Moving a connection to the location of another one is equivalent to merging them.
    The resulting wires with zero length are removed.
This functionality is also available on bundle network created with CATIA-ELW Electrical Wire Bundle Installation Version 4.