Splitting a Wire Connection

This task shows you how to split a connection and what to do with the wires.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes) This command is deactivated when working with external data.
  1. Click Split Connection .
    You are prompted to select the connection to be split.

  2. Select the connection.

    The Reconnect Wires dialog box opens with the list of the wires and their status.

    It lets you choose between several alternatives:

    • Link to First Connection: when at least one wire is selected in the list, this command becomes available. Clicking connects the wire.
    • Link to Second Connection: when at least one wire is selected in the list, this command becomes available. Clicking connects the wire.
    • Unlink the Wire: clicking this command breaks the link. In the list the wire is linked to Nothing.
    • Clear Selection: clicking this command clears the selection of wire(s) in the list.
  3. Select the wires you want to link to the same connection and select the corresponding command.
    The result looks like this:

  4. Click OK to validate.
    The connection has been split and renamed as Wire Connection2Sp1 and Wire Connection2Sp2.

ainfo.gif (980 bytes)

You cannot split a connection leaving a wire not connected.

If you want to split a connection in three, you first split it in two then repeat the operation.