Analysis Assembly 2D Viewer

This task will show you how to synchronize the analysis assembly content with the product changes.

At any time, you can add or remove a shape, activate or deactivate an existing shape and add or remove a product component in a analysis assembly context. The content of the analysis assembly is not automatically synchronize.

Only available with the Generative Assembly Structural Analysis (GAS) product.

Open the sample14.CATAnalysis from the samples directory.

  1. Click Analysis Assembly 2D Viewer in the Analysis Assembly toolbar.

    The Assembled Analysis Definition dialog box appears.

    • Graph: lets you visualize the analysis structure.
      • The symbol indicates that the shape is deactivate.
      • The red highlight indicates that the shape is the current active shape.
      • Connection Summary: this contextual menu visualize all connected analysis documents or mesh parts and the connections (using a hide / show system). Moreover a reporting tool is available in an assembled analysis context or in a basic analysis on part.
        For more details, refer to the Advanced Meshing Tools User's Guide - User Tasks - Quality Analysis - Connection Summary.
    • Synchronize: lets you synchronize the analysis document with the activated shapes.
      This button is available if you modify the product structure.
  2. Click Cancel in the Assembled Analysis Definition dialog box.

  3. Change the shape associated to a sub-analysis.

    In this particular example:

    1. Double-click Assembly in the specification tree.

    2. Right-click the Surface.1 part and select the Representations > Manage Representations... contextual menu.

    3. Select AnalysisSurface11.CATAnalysis in the Manage Representations dialog box and click the Deactivate button.

    4. Select ASurface12.CATAnalysis in the Manage Representations dialog box and click the Activate button.

    5. Click Close in the Manage Representations dialog box.

  4. Double-click Analysis Manager in the specification tree to retrieve the analysis context.

  5. Click Analysis Assembly 2D Viewer .

    The Assembled Analysis Definition dialog box appears as shown below:

    The active shape (Shape 3 [ASurface12.CATPart] in this particular example) is not highlighted.
    You have to synchronize the analysis document with the activated shapes.

  6. Click the Synchronize button.

    The Assembled Analysis Definition is updated.

    The active shape is now red-highlighted.

  7. Click OK in the Assembled Analysis Definition dialog box.

You can find here the specification tree of an assembly of orphan analysis:

Note that: Analysis1 (Analysis1.1) and Analysis3 (Analysis3.1) are not pointing any geometry.

You can find here the graph of an assembly of orphan analysis: