Laminated Plates with Orientation

The purpose of this test is to check laminated plates with orthotropic materials using an angle of orientation.
You will use 2D meshes.


3D model with parabolic hexahedron elements (HE20), computed with CATIA.



Geometry Specifications

plate 1 = 90 deg
plate 2 = 30 deg

a = 0.1 m
b = 0.1 m
t1 = 0.0002 m
t2 = 0.0004 m


Analysis Specifications

  • Material 1:

    • Young Modulus (material):

      E1 = 341.6 x 106 Pa
      E2 = 179.3 x 106 Pa

    • Poisson's Ratio:
      ν12 = 0.44

    •  Shearing coefficient
      G12 = 100 x 106 Pa
      G23 = 60.8 x 106 Pa
      G13 = 101.5 x 106 Pa

  • Material 2:

    • Young Modulus (material):

      E1 = 34.16 x 106 Pa
      E2 = 17.93 x 106 Pa

    • Poisson's Ratio:
      ν12 = 0.44

    •  Shearing coefficient
      G12 = 10 x 106 Pa
      G23 = 6.08 x 106 Pa
      G13 = 10.15 x 106 Pa

Mesh Specifications:

  • In both cases, mesh size: 2 mm

    • 2D mesh with linear quadrangle elements (QD4)

    • 3D mesh with parabolic hexahedron elements (HE20)

Restraints (User defined):

  • On AB and CD: translation along Y and Z

  • On AC and BD: translation along X and Z

Surface force density: FZ = -10 N/m2


The following results correspond to:

  • The displacement of O along Z (w)
  • The restraint on O in the center of plate 2 (xx)


3D model (Reference)

 2D model

Normalized results

w [mm]




xx [mm]




To Perform the Test:

The laminated_plates.CATAnalysis document presents a complete analysis of this case.

To compute the case, proceed as follow:

  1. Open the CATAnalysis document.

  2. Compute the case in the Generative Structural Analysis workbench.

  3. Create local sensors (Stress tensor and Displacement vector).