Defining a Filler Plug

This task explains how to add electrical behavior to a standard part to turn it into a filler plug.
A filler plug is an electrical component used to seal an unused cavity.
You can add electrical behavior to an instance or a reference.
Refer to Defining an Equipment.
The BasicTasks.CATProduct document is still open.
  1. Click Define Filler Plug .
    You are prompted to select a part or a product.

  2. Select FillerPlugStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry area.

    The Filler Plug Definition dialog box opens:
  3. Enter FillerPlugElec in the Part Number field.

  4. Click OK to validate.

    The specification tree is updated.
    The selected object is now an electrical filler plug as the electrical behavior has been added.
A filler plug only allows a cavity connection point.