Splitting Single Bundle Segments

This task shows how to split a bundle segment with more than two route points. A new bundle segment is created at the cutting point.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes) This scenario is available for single bundle segments only.
To split branches, see Splitting Branches.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes)

Open the InSupport.CATProduct document.

  1. Click Split .

    You are prompted to select the bundle segment in order to define the cutting point.
    aprereq.gif (1223 bytes)
    • The bundle segment will split using a construction point.
    • CATIA finds the closest bundle segment construction point according to the selection point.
    • In case the closest bundle segment construction point is an extremity, CATIA uses the second closest one.

    As a confirmation message displays, the cutting point highlights.

  2. Click OK to validate your choice.

    The bundle segment is split into two: a new bundle segment (Bundle Segment2) has been created.
    After the split, the tangent continuity between the bundle segments is maintained.