Creating Components using Copy & Paste

You can create individual components, sub-systems and entire systems in the tree view using copy and paste commands.

The copy command copies the selected items to the clipboard. The paste command pastes the contents of the clipboard to the tree view.

This task explains how to create electrical components using copy and paste commands.

Open the CopyPaste.CATProduct document from the samples folder.

  1. Select the electrical component you want to copy in the tree view.

  2. To copy, you can either:

    • click the Copy button I_Copy.gif (605 bytes), or
    • select Copy from the contextual menu.

    The selected component along with any children is copied to the clipboard.

    st04NLS.gif (7298 bytes)
    Note: Connections are not copied. They must, if necessary, be made when the component is pasted to its new location.
  3. Select the parent component to select the destination for the component you want to copy.

  4. To paste, you can either:

    • click the Paste button I_Paste.gif (899 bytes), or
    • select Paste from the contextual menu.

    The selected component along with any children is pasted to the new location in the tree view.

    If there is a naming conflict, the name of the copied component is changed.

    A message informs you if the selected component is incompatible and cannot be created under the current object.

  • There is no need to validate copy and paste operations, since validation is automatic when you work directly in the tree view.
  • You can view the properties of components connected to the current component via the Properties command in the tree view contextual menu.