Exporting Systems

You can export systems in CSV (comma delimited) or HTML format.

This task explains how to export systems.
  1. Select the system you want to export in the tree view.

  2. Click the Export System I_Export.gif (259 bytes)  button.

    The Export System dialog box is displayed.
  3. Specify the path of the folder in which you want to save the file.

  4. Specify the name of the file in the File name field.

  5. Set the file extension to *csv or *html/*htm.

  6. Click Export when done.

    The file is exported in the selected format.

Exporting in HTML

At the same time the html file is created, the Electrical.css is generated.
The Electrical.css is the style sheet used to display the html file. It can be customized.

It is generated only when it is not found in the folder where you save the html file. Otherwise the existing one is used (whichever it is customized or not).

Using the default one, the html file looks like this:

This file shows three tables:

  • the connection table
  • the signal list
  • the bill of materials (BOM) or component list.

The connection table displays the components belonging to the signal, with the equipments, connectors and contacts connected to it.

The signal list gives information on the signal characteristics.

The component list (BOM) displays all the elements connected to the extremities of the signal with their characteristics. They are linked to the connection table.

You can modify the style sheet to keep only the information of interest, for example:

See below an example of customized style sheet.
Add these lines to the default Electrical.css to:

  • hide the connection table, the sub type, etc.,
  • display some attributes smaller, in different color, etc.


#Elec_Ref_Des {font-size:smaller;}

#Elec_Sub_Type {display:none;}

#ElecFnctCon {font-size:smaller;}

#ElecFnctCntPt {display:none;}

#Elec_Nominal_Part_Num {color:green;}

TH#Elec_Nominal_Part_Num {color:white;}

#Elec_Sep_Code {font-size:smaller;}

#Elec_Routing_Priority {font-size:smaller;}

#Elec_Signal_Section {display:none;}

#Elec_Recom_Wire_Type {display:none;}

#Elec_Nominal_Voltage {display:none;}

#wirecnx {font-size:smaller;}

#devcnx {font-size:smaller;}