Rotating Bundle Segments About an Intermediate Point

This task shows you how to turn a part of a bundle segment about an intermediae point to give it a new direction. Rotating lets you twist the bundle segment out of the active plane of the flattened harness.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes) The document contains the flattened harness obtained in the previous task.

  1. Click Rotate .

  2. Select an intermediate point on a bundle segment.

    Select the bundle segment in the geometry area and not in the specification tree, since the exact position of the selected point has to be known.

    The Define Direction dialog box pops up.

    A green arrow indicating the bundle direction appears in the geometry area.
    You can also click the green arrow and arc of circle to change the direction the bundle segment will take.

  3. As in the previous task, define the bend by specifying:

    • A main direction
    • An angle.
      If you specify an angle, you can enter a value or select two directions to retrieve the angle between selected directions.
  4. Click OK to validate. 

  5. The result looks like this.