Creating a Geometrical Bundle

This task shows how to create a geometrical bundle.
A geometrical bundle is a document containing an assembly of connectors, supports and protective coverings, as well as the geometric representation of a harness.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes)

Make sure the design mode is activated otherwise a warning is displayed:

Click Yes.

It corresponds to the following settings in the Tools -> Options... menu item:

  • Select the Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> Cache Management tab.
  • In the Cache Activation, the Work with cache system option is not checked.
  • As a consequence, in the Product Visualization tab, the Visualization Mode Type is set to None.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes)

Open the ElectricalBasic.CATProduct document.
It contains devices to be connected within a geometrical bundle:

  1. Click Geometrical Bundle .
    You are prompted to select the product you want to become the geometrical bundle.

  2. Select the product of interest: Product1
    The geometrical bundle is created, with appropriate the electrical properties and behavior.
    In the specification tree, the name has been modified as well as the icon.

Only the following can be selected to become a geometrical bundle:
  • a product which does not already have electrical properties and behavior
  • a product which doesn't result from the New Part command
  • a product which doesn't result from the New Component command (inline product).