

assemblies Assemblies, assembly models, assembly files, assembly geometry,  assembly hierarchies, and assembly data are terms used interchangeably throughout this documentation. 
These terms refer to a specific type of data that can be imported when it is created out of the V5 system. Assemblies consist of parts; assemblies make up products.


CGR format CGR stands for CATIA Graphic Representation. This format is the common format used for all V5 data. 
All MULTICAx Plug-in products convert native part data into CGR format.  CGR files always have a .cgr extension.


parts Parts, part models, part files, part geometry, and part data are terms used interchangeably throughout this documentation. 

These terms refer to a specific type of data that can be imported when it is created out of the V5 system. Parts make up assemblies; assemblies make up products.

product structure document The product structure document is key component in V5. It provides users with a way to organize product creation in a hierarchical format. Each product structure document can contain parts, which make up assemblies, which, in turn, make up products.