Generating Balloons on a View 

This task will show you how to generate in the active view balloons corresponding to references defined on the different parts of an assembly.
Note that the assembly components have previously been numbered in the Product Structure workbench using the Generate Numbering command. For more information, refer to Generating Numbering in the Product Structure User's Guide.
Open the Product_Balloon_Gen.CATProduct and Product_Balloon_Gen.CATDrawing documents.
  1. Double-click the view in which you want to generate the balloons. In this particular case, double-click Bottom view. This view is now active.

  2. Click Generate Balloons in the Generation toolbar.

    The balloons that were previously created on the CATProduct are automatically generated onto the active view.

  3. If needed, multi-select these balloons and modify the font size in the Text Properties toolbar. You can also select and drag a balloon to change its position.

  4. If needed, create a circle around the text of the balloons: right-click a balloon (or multi-select several and right-click) and select Properties > Text > Frame > Circle. Click OK. A circle is created around the texts.

    Balloons generated Balloons after the font size and position were modified:
  5. If needed, insert a bill of material into the active view (Insert > Generation > Bill of Material from the menu bar).

    The part numbers appear in the bill of material on the condition you specified it previously (in the Product Structure workbench, through Analyze > Bill of Material > Listing Report in the menu bar).