Entering the 2D Workshop

To enter the 2D Workshop, you can either open a 2D document, which will switch you into the 2D Workshop.

  You can now invoke the 2D Workshop from the Start menu, which will open an empty 2D  document, by selecting Start -> DMU 2D Workshop in the menu bar.

You can also invoke the 2D Workshop by selecting File -> New in the menu bar and then selecting cgm from the List of Types in the New dialog box.

  1. Select File ->Open and open Comparedrawings1.cgm from the samples folder.
    You enter the 2D Workshop and the selected drawing is displayed.


  1. In the menu bar, select File -> Close to close this document.

  2. To enter the 2D Workshop with an empty document as a departure point, in the menu bar, select Start -> DMU 2D Workshop or select File -> New and then select cgm from the List of Types in the New dialog box.
    You enter the 2D Workshop and an empty 2D drawing is displayed.