Editing Camera Properties

This task shows how to display and edit camera properties.
Insert the following cgr files:


You have created a camera.

  1. Right-click the camera in the specification tree and select the Properties item form the contextual menu. (You can also select the camera and use the Edit->Properties command.)
    The Properties dialog box is displayed.


The Lens tab is active by default and enables you to edit the following:
  • Type (Perspective or Parallel, i.e. to obtain a conical or a cylindrical projection)




  • Focal length (click and drag or use the spin box)
  • The Preview window lets you see the actions (zoom, new type...)  you perform and these actions are updated accordingly in the geometry area
For more detailed information, please refer to Moving Cameras.
The Feature Properties tab provides general information on the currently selected camera, e.g. its name, its creation date.
  1. Click the Position tab to define the target and origin positions.
    You can define the Origin and the Target position in millimeters along the X, Y and Z axes.

  1. Select values for the Origin and Target distances.

  2. When satisfied, click Apply.

It is now possible to have an active camera automatically updated from the current view, exactly as if you'd selected Update from View each time you change the view using any combination of translates, rotations and zooms. (A camera is considered "active" when it is selected or edited in a track.)

  1. Click the Update camera from View radio button to have your camera automatically updated from the current view.

  1. Click OK to confirm.