Adding Pictures

This task explains how to add a Picture as 2D marker in your annotated view.

You can now insert resizable pictures from the following format list:

  • tiff
  • jpg
  • bmp
  • rgb
Insert the following cgr files:


To annotate documents, you must be in an active view. Objects drawn are associated with the active view and will no longer be visible if the view is changed.

You can also add 2D annotations in active views in the Section viewer for example. Annotations are no longer visible if you change viewer.

  1. Click the Create an Annotated View from the DMU Review Creation Toolbar.
    The 2D view is created and identified in the specification tree.


The DMU 2D Marker toolbar is activated. You can now annotate your view.

  1. Click the Insert a Picture Marker icon in the DMU 2D Marker toolbar.

  2. Put the cursor on the valve and click.
    The Select Picture File dialog box appears:

  3. Select the valve.jpg document from the images folder.

The picture is inserted at the anchorage point selected in the annotated view.

You can easily resize your inserted picture. All you need to do is drag the squared manipulators in the picture corners.

An object's drawing properties include color, line type and weight. You can change drawing properties of objects that you've already drawn.