Running the CATDMUSaveAsFrozen
Batch Process

The CATDMUSaveAsFrozen batch enables you to prepare / generate  DMU-related documents (products, geometries, cache data) for eventual use in a number of industrial processes:
  • study variants
  • prepare design reviews
  • archive documents
  • share a light copy of a mock-up

For more information on the above processes, see Data Flow Processes.


  1. To retrieve the help information:

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -h

  1. To save the documents related to a product in a directory: 

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -save directory -product productpath [-prefix prefix][-data][-cache] [-user user -spwd cryppwd -server srv]

  1. To export the documents related to a product in a directory:

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -export directory -product productpath [-prefix prefix][-data] [-user user -spwd cryppwd -server srv] [-list listfile]

  1. To import the content of a directory in the cache: 

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -import directory [-list listfile]


Windows Examples

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -h 
CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -import c:\u\input

Unix Examples

CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -h
CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -export /u/export1 -product /u/product/sample.CATProduct
CATDMUSaveAsFrozen -save /u/save2 -product /u/product/sample.CATProduct



-h : Help. 

-save directory : To save the documents related to a product in a directory.

-export directory : To export the documents related to a product in a directory.

-import directory : To import the content of a directory in the cache.

-product productpath : To define the product to treat.

-prefix prefix : To save all products with a prefix in their name. This option is only valid for CATProducts and not for CATParts.

-data : To save geometries.

-cache : To save cache data.

-user user : To define the ENOVIAVPM user.

-spwd cryppwd : To define the ENOVIAVPM password of the user. It is decrypted before use.

-server srv : to define the ENOVIAVPM server

-list listfile : to output file that will contains a list of documents to copy, each line contains the path of original data and the path of the copy data separated by a blank


Note: The parameters -user, -spwd and -server are required if documents refer to VPM.

Possible exit status values are:

  • 0: Successful completion
  • 1: Failure due to any of the following:
    • license not available
    • cache management deactivated
    • missing arguments
    • invalid parameter
    • missing parameter after an option
    • missing input file
    • unable to find a file
    • unable to open an input file
    • bad document type
  • 2: Processing error
  • 3: Partially processed


Solutions per exit status value 
  • Exit status = 1: Modify the command line using information contained in the standard error file.
  • Exit status = 2: Contact you local support.
  • Exit status = 3: Fix the files that cause the problem: their names are contained in the standard error file, an interactive use of these files could provide information about the cause of the problem.