Running the CATDMUDistributor
Batch Process

CATDMUDistributor copies DMU data (CATProduct, related cache data, etc.) given in a list from its current location to a distant location
On Windows, it is always necessary to specify the -env and -direnv options. Note also that these options should always be specified at the end of the command line. For more information, see the Infrastructure User's Guide, Starting a Session on Windows.
  1. To retrieve the help information, run the command:

CATDMUDistributor -h

  1. To copy DMU data from their current location to a distant location, run the command:

CATDMUDistributor inputdir cachedir docdir [-s char]

  1. To compute a list of files to copy, run the command:

CATDMUDistributor inputdir cachedir docdir -list file [-s char]


Windows Examples

CATDMUDistributor -h
CATDMUDistributor c:\input e:\cache e:\document


Unix Examples

CATDMUDistributor -h
CATDMUDistributor /u/input /v/cache /v/document




-h : Help.

inputdir : To define the directory containing files which list documents. These files contain one document identifier per line.

cachedir : To define the distant cache directory.

docdir : To define the distance directory that will contain all documents except cache data.

-list file : Output file that will contains a list of documents to copy. Each line contains the path of original data and the path of the copy data separated by a blank.

-s char : To define the character used to separate field on a line within input or output file. By default blank character is used.



Possible exit status values are:

  • 0: Successful completion.
  • 1: Failure due to any of the following:
    • license not available
    • cache management deactivated
    • missing arguments
    • invalid parameter
    • missing parameter after an option
    • missing input directory
    • missing cache directory
    • missing document directory
    • invalid directory
    • unable to open an input file
    • unable to write in an output file
  • 2: Processing error.
  • 3: Partially processed.


Solutions per exit status value 
  • Exit status = 1: Modify the command line using information contained in the standard error file.
  • Exit status = 2: Contact you local support
  • Exit status = 3: Fix the files that cause the problem: their names are contained in the  standard error file. An interactive use of files may inform about problem.