Running the CATDMUCacheLocator
Batch Process

CATDMUCacheLocator locates the cache data corresponding to a list of documents. This batch process exists for administrators who wish to manipulate cache data. 

One mode, the default option, enables you to find the path of the file corresponding to a given cache element of the current cache. The other mode, the -p option, enables cache simulation and helps you to prepare copies, moves or distribution between caches. This simulation is purely hypothetical, it does not take into account the existence or non-existence of files in the specified cache directory.

On Windows, it is always necessary to specify the -env and -direnv options. Note also that these options should always be specified at the end of the command line. For more information, see the Infrastructure User's Guide, Starting a Session on Windows.

  1. To retrieve the help information:

CATDMUCacheLocator -h

  1. To locate the cache data:

CATDMUCacheLocator inputfile outputfile [-s char] [-t type] [-p dir]


Windows Examples

CATDMUCacheLocator -h
CATDMUCacheLocator c:\u\input.txt c:\u\output.txt
CATDMUCacheLocator c:\u\input.txt c:\u\output.txt -p c:\cache -t 3dmap


Unix Examples

CATDMUCacheLocator -h
CATDMUCacheLocator /u/input /u/output
CATDMUCacheLocator /u/input /u/output -p /u/cache -t 3dmap



-h : Help. 

inputfile : Input file containing a list of documents. Each line must contain the identifier of a document, a separator and the timestamp of the document. Timestamp is provided using YYYY-mm-dd-HH.MM.SS format. If the document exists the timestamp can be replaced by the following string YYYY-mm-dd-HH.MM.SS (Note: If no timestamp is supplied, the default used will be 1970-01-01-00.00.00).

outputfile : Output file that will contain the list of documents cache location. Each line will contain the identifier of a document, a  separator and the location of the cache data corresponding to the document.

-s char : To define the character used to separate field on a line within input or output file. By default blank character is used.

-t type : To define the type of cache (cgr, 3dmap, etc.). By default cgr is used.

-p dir : To define the cache directory to use instead of a directory from the settings. In this case, the directory can be a non-existing or a non accessible one, thus the files given in the list.



Possible exit status values are:

  • 0: Successful completion.
  • 1: Failure due to any of the following:
    • license not available
    • cache management deactivated
    • missing arguments
    • invalid parameter
    • missing parameter after an option
    • missing input file
    • unable to find a file
    • unable to open an input file
  • 2: Processing error. 


Solutions per exit status value 
  • Exit status = 1: Modify the command line using information contained in the standard error file.
  • Exit status = 2: Contact you local support.