Transferring a Geometry from 3D to 2D and 2D to 3D  

This task shows you how to transfer a point or a curve on a ply from 3D to 2D or from 2D to 3D.

Available in Composites Design for Manufacturing (CPM).
Open the Transfer1.CATPart document or any part containing plies that have been flattened.

Transferring from 3D to 2D

  1. Click the Geometry Transfer icon .
    The Geometry Transfer dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click 3D to 2D.

  3. On the geometry, select the 3D curve you want to transfer on the 2D flattened ply.

    Click the Multiselection icon at the right of the dialog box if you want to transfer several geometries.
  1. Select Ply.1 in the specification tree.

  2. Click OK to transfer the spline on the flattened ply.
    For the purpose of this scenario, the 3D curve is displayed in pink.

    The specification tree is updated accordingly.

The 3D point or curve transferred on the 2D ply has to lie on the same shell as the ply, otherwise the transfer cannot be done.
Only the part of the 3D curve lying on the ply is to be transferred on the 2D geometry. In case the segments should be exceeding the ply's contour, they would not be taken into account.

Transferring from 2D to 3D

  1. Click the Geometry Transfer icon .

  2. In the Geometry Transfer dialog box, click 2D to 3D.

  3. On the flattened ply, select the 2D curve you want to transfer on the 3D geometry.

  4. Select Ply.1 in the specification tree.

  5. Click OK to transfer the join on the flattened ply.

You will note that only the part of the 2D curve lying on the ply is actually transferred on the 3D geometry. The segments exceeding the ply's contour are not taken into account.
The specification tree is updated accordingly.
In case a 2D curve lies on several plies that do not have the same direction, be careful when selecting the reference entity, as the curve will not be represented the same way according to the ply's direction.