About NLS User Features

this topic explains how to create a NLS User Feature. The following features can now be displayed in your language at instantiation:

  • The input role
  • The parameters (names and string multiple values)
  • The output role after the instantiation
  • The update error message
In the scenario below, the input role and the parameters are NLS.


The created CATNls file:
  • Must be stored in the installation directory in the resources\msgcatalog directory.
  • Must have the following name: CATTypeTypeName.CATNls. If the type name is Wheel, the CATNls name will be: CATTypeWheel.CATNls.
  • Must be structured as follows (Note that the role corresponds to the role assigned to each input in the Inputs tab of the User Feature Definition window):
    • Role1="NlsRole";
    • Role2="NlsRole"; ...
    • Optionally for an NLS error message: UpdateErrorMessage = "Message";

Please find below the example of a .CATGscript file and its corresponding .CATNLS file.

GSDPackage isa Package
          CATWheel isa SkinFeature
            NLSName = UserFeature1;
            Fill = 0 , Type : Feature ;
            `Main result` = 0 , Type : Feature
             NLSName :`Main result` ;
             Point = 0 , Type : Feature ;
             Plane = 0 , Type : Feature ;
             Configuration = 0 , Type : String ;
             Distance = 0 , Type : LENGTH ;
             Radius = 0 , Type : LENGTH ;
In the .CATGscript opposite, the Point, the Plane, the Configuration, the Distance, and the Radius are the inputs of the User Feature. These inputs will be required when instantiating the User Feature. Note that these inputs can be the roles you assigned to the inputs.
Point = "Input point";
Plane = "Support";
Configuration = "Distance configuration";
Distance = "Wheel distance";
Radius = "Wheel radius";
Fill = "Fill";
//For the Nls message of update error
The inputs of the .CATGscript file are listed in the opposite cell along with their NLS names: Point = "Input Point".

Note that:

  • Inputs names must not contain blank spaces.
  • All NLS names are indicated between quotes "" and are separated by ;.
  • It is possible to add an error message that will be launched if an update error occurs.
  • The name of the file is: CATTypeCATWheel.CATNls