Opening the Standard Human Catalog


  Human Data Catalogs are only available with a product license.
These catalogs enhance the productivity of creating relevant human postures for different situations which are selected because they happen often in any industrial scenario.
  1. Select the Load manikin's attributes from a catalog from the Manikin Tools toolbar.


  2. Using the Browse another catalog, go into the installed path of V5 and select the CNext/startup/Human Catalog directory, to find the catalog of manikin standard postures.

  3. Select the required HumanCatalog. For this scenario, the Postures directory will be selected.

  4. In the Postures directory, select the Static_Posture.catalog, and Open.

  5. Select the required pose, and select the Manikin from the PPR tree. In this scenario, we selected the Ladders,...leg from the 50 Percentile_Man.


  6. The whole manikin will turn orange, as we want all of the segments loaded onto the manikin.


  7. Click on Apply, and the selected pose is applied.