Reporting Capabilities - Lift-Lower Analysis

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This produces comprehensive report files from the manikin specifications. This will gather the results of the various analyses found in the Human workbenches including an analysis of the manikin's vision.

The Lift-Lower analysis cannot be directly activated within a report object, because this analysis, unlike the others, requires two input postures, instead of one, to operate.  The log for this analysis will be managed by the Lift-Lower analysis panel itself.  This panel will be enhanced by adding a Reporting section, which will be composed of a file chooser button together with a text field, and a button Update Log, which will store the results of the current analysis into the specified log file.  The Update of the workbench will have no effect on the Lift-Lower analysis log file.

  1. In the Ergonomics toolbar, select the Lift-Lower Analysis.

  2. Select the Manikin, and the Lift-Lower Analysis dialog box appears.

  3. Select the Guideline, and the Specifications, required.  In the Posture area, record the Initial, and Final Posture.

  4. The Report area becomes active.

  5. Select the Open button to select the Output File: The File Selection dialog box appears.  Select where you would like to save this data, select a file name, and Open.


  6. The path and file name appears in the Report section in the Output File.

  7. The result appears in the Score Area.

  8. Select the Update icon in the Lift-Lower Analysis dialog box to export the score into the file.

  9. Using the explorer, locate, and open the file.