Managing the Compass

This task shows you how to quickly manage the compass orientation.
Create a planar surface.
  1. Click the Quick Compass Orientation icon:
    The Quick compass orientation toolbar is displayed.
    • This toolbar can be displayed using the F5 key:
      • This shortcut is effective only when the Quick compass orientation toolbar is displayed.
      • Therefore when you first hit this key, the toolbar is displayed and the shortcut is effective from then on.
    • When the compass axes correspond to the main axes of the model, the axe names indicate X, Y and Z otherwise X|U, Y|V and Z|W.
      • The corresponding buttons in the compass toolbar remains on X, Y, Z as long as the current compass axes (local or global) corresponds to the main axes.
        But take care, when the XY button for example is checked, it means that the flip has been made according to UV and X and Y do not correspond necessarily to U and V.
      • When the compass axes become different from the main axes then the buttons switch to U, V, W.
    • By default, elements are created in the current active plane as defined using the Current plane orientation toolbar containing the Flip to UV or XY , Flip to VW or YZ   or Flip to WU or XZ icons.
    • The Quick compass orientation toolbar remains active until you close it by clicking the cross in the upper-right corner or, if you have activated it with the icon, by clicking the icon again.
    • or Flip to UV or XY: this option switch the compass base to the UV or XY plane of its trihedron.
    • or Flip to VW or YZ: this option switch the compass base to the VW or YZ plane of its trihedron.
    • or Flip to WU or XZ: this option the compass base to the WU or XZ plane of its trihedron.
    • Most Seen Plane: this option allows you to set the compass according to the plane whose normal is closest to the screen normal.
    • Set Compass Orientation:
      • This option allows you to orientate the compass by selecting either an existing plane or three points (via the Autodetection command).
        The point selection is based on Autodetection parameters.
      • This option can be also activated using the F6 key.
        This shortcut is effective only when the Quick compass orientation toolbar is displayed.
        Therefore when you first hit this key, the toolbar is displayed and the shortcut is effective from then on.
    • Reset Compass to XYZ:
      • This option allows you to reset the compass parallel to the main axes (X, Y and Z) of the model.
        This option is deactivated when the compass is already set according to the axes.
      • This option can be also activated using the F7 key.
        This shortcut is effective only when the Quick compass orientation toolbar is displayed. Therefore when you first hit this key, the toolbar is displayed and the shortcut is effective from then on.
    • In Model or on Perch: this option allows you to switch the compass from the perch to the model or vice versa.
      The origin is kept in the model until the toolbar remains open.
    • Create Compass Plane: this option allows you to drop the compass plane, that is to create a plane corresponding to the compass basis.
      This option is activated only when the compass is in the model.