SheetMetal Parameters

SheetMetal parameters are located in the SheetMetal > SheetMetalDesign > Bend or SheetMetal > SheetMetalDesign > Stamp node of the generative view style XML file (available via Tools > Standard > generativeparameters category > DefaultGenerative Style.xml file).

The parameters specify how bends and stamps should be projected in a Generative Drafting view. They are detailed in the table below.





Parameter Name



Axis>Upward Visible Yes/No Specifies whether axis of upward bends should be projected.
Color Color Determines the color of the axis of upward bends.
Linetype Integer Determines the linetype used for the axis of upward bends.
Thickness Integer Determines the thickness used for the axis of upward bends.
Axis>Downward Visible Yes/No Specifies whether the axis of downward bends should be projected.
Color Color Determines the color of the axis of downward bends.
Linetype Integer Determines the linetype used for the axis of downward bends.
Thickness Integer Determines the thickness used for the axis of downward bends.
Axis>Annotations>Angle Visible Yes/No Specifies whether the angle annotation of the bend axis should be projected.
Prefix String Specifies the prefix used for the angle annotation of the bend axis. Angle is used as default value.
Type Internal/External Specifies whether the annotation of the internal or external angle should be projected.
Axis>Annotations>Radius Visible Yes/No Specifies whether the radius annotation of the bend axis should be projected.
Prefix String Specifies the prefix used for the radius annotation of the bend axis. Radius is used as default value.
Axis>Annotations>UpDownStatus Visible Yes/No Specifies whether the annotation specifying the direction of the bend should be projected.
UpString String Specifies the upward direction for the axis annotation.
DownString String Specifies the downward direction for the axis annotation.
BTLs Visible Yes/No Specifies whether BTLs (Bend Tangent Lines) should be projected.
Color Color Determines the color of BTLs.
Linetype Integer Determines the linetype used for BTLs.
Thickness Integer Determines the thickness used for BTLs.




Parameter Name



AppropriateLines>Upward Visible Yes/No Specifies whether upward stamps should be projected.
Color Color Determines the color of upward stamps.
Linetype Integer Determines the linetype used for upward stamps.
Thickness Integer Determines the thickness used for upward stamps.
AppropriateLines>Downward Visible Yes/No Specifies whether downward stamps should be projected.
Color Color Determines the color of downward stamps.
Linetype Integer Determines the linetype used for downward stamps.
Thickness Integer Determines the thickness used for downward stamps.
Annotations>StandardName Visible Yes/No Specifies whether the annotation specifying the standard name for stamps should be projected.
Prefix String Specifies the prefix used for the annotation specifying the standard name for stamps. Standard name is used as default value.