Reordering Sheets or Views  

This task shows you how to reorder sheets, detail sheets and views in the specification tree.
For the purpose of this scenario, create more than one sheet.
  1. From the specification tree, select the sheet or sheets you want to move.

    You can also select single or multiple views to reorder them.

    In this scenario, select Sheet.4 and Sheet.5.

  2. Right-click the selected sheets to display the contextual menu.

  3. Select the Selected objects > Reorder... option from the contextual menu. The pointer changes to let you select the new location for selected sheets:
    • select a sheet with pointer downward to move the selected sheets below this selected target sheet.
      By default this pointer is displayed.
    • select a sheet with pointer upward to move the selected sheets above this selected target sheet.
      To display this pointer hold down the Ctrl key.

  4. In this scenario click on Sheet 2 with downward mouse pointer. The sheets Sheet.4 and Sheet.5 are now reordered after Sheet.2. 


    • You cannot reorder sheet and views at the same time. You can either reorder a set of sheets or reorder a set of views.

    • Sheets can only be reordered under their parent drawing (If you want to put a set of Sheets under another Drawing, use Cut/Paste instead).

    • Views can only be reordered under their parent sheet (If you want to put a set of Views under another Sheet, use Cut/Paste instead).

    • The reorder functionality will not allow you to break the rule of having the detail sheets after regular sheets in the specification tree. Detail sheets are always reordered, after the regular sheets.