Associating a Supporting Document to a Family or Component

You can associate a supporting document to a family or a component in order to facilitate searching for parts in a catalog. Only one document can be associated to a given family or component

The associated document can be designated by a URL address. Associated documents can be CATIA documents or any other document supported by Windows.

  1. In the Catalog tree of the Catalog Editor, select the Family or Component to which you wish to associate a supporting document.

  2. To define the supporting document, in the Supporting Document area, click the Select button.

    A File Selection dialog box appears.


  3. In the File Selection dialog box, select the document of your choice and click the Open button.
    The selected supporting document is indicated in the Document field.

  4. To define a preview image to be associated to the supporting document, click the Select Preview button.

    A File Selection dialog box appears.

  5. In the File Selection dialog box, select the document of your choice and click the Open button.
    The selected preview document appears at the left of the Supporting Document area.

    Note: Only jpg documents can be selected as a preview document.

  6. To modify the associated document, repeat steps 2 and 3 above.

  7. To modify the preview image associated to the supporting document, click the Modify Preview button and select a file as in step 5.

  8. To launch the supporting document, click the Launch button.
    The supporting document appears in the appropriate editor.

To launch a supporting document from Catalog Browser, right-click the associated catalog entity and select Launch supporting document.


Our recommendation is to group all the documents in a shared directory and set them as read only. These documents can be edited through CATIA for CATIA documents and through their own application for other types of document.



Old catalogs will not have any valuated preview. However, by editing the Catalog, it is possible to associate a file to existing chapters / families.



  • The Supporting Documents functionality is only supported on Windows.
  • A Supporting Document referenced via a URL is only supported on Windows.
  • The visualization of non-CATIA files is not guaranteed and depends on the computer where it is launched.

  • The Supporting Documents functionality is only supported for Catalogs saved in ENOVIA in Publication Exposed Mode or saved as File.


Saving Catalogs in ENOVIA

  • A supporting document will be taken into account in the Save in Enovia mechanism only if it is a  CATIA document. It will be saved systematically in Publication Exposed  mode.
  • Preview documents will not be taken into account in the Save in Enovia mechanism.
  • Html documents referenced via a URL cannot be stored in Enovia.