Components and Constraints

This task explains how to manage components given the component constraint type.
This feature is available on both the board and the manufacturing panel.
aprereq.gif (1223 bytes)

Open the Scenario3.idf file and the corresponding Scenario3.lib file from the samples folder.
An Assembly Product document is generated.

spectreeScen3NLS.gif (9576 bytes)
ainfo.gif (980 bytes)

If the configuration you are using provides access to the Assembly Design workbench, geometrical constraints are created between the board and the components, and are displayed.
Within the assembly, the board needs to be anchored.

ascenari.gif (1364 bytes)
  1. Double-click the power-jack constraint shown here in red.

    BoardPW.gif (4803 bytes)
    The Constraint Definition dialog box opens.

    The Assembly constraints (geometrical constraints) linking the components to the board depend on the component status.

    Component Status Assembly Constraint
    Unplaced No Constraint
    Placed Plane to Plane Constraint
    Fixed Fixity Constraint
    This information is transmitted through the import file (.idf), the component capability to change location is then driven by the constraint.

    Under certain circumstances, a component status can be modified:

    • from unplaced to placed or fixed
    • from placed to fixed

    but never from fixed to placed or unplaced, nor from placed to unplaced (in order to keep the information defined in the ECAD world).

  2. Editing the constraint, using the More >> button, lets you modify the offset between the component and the board (IDF 3.0):

    The IDF 3.0 takes into account the offset which represents a mounting constraint of the component onto the board.

    The offset is also managed between the board and the panel.