Deleting Objects


This task shows you how to delete an object.
  1. Select the objects you want to delete, either in the specification tree or in the geometry tree.

    The objects selected are highlighted in both the geometry area and the specification tree.
  2. Select Edit > Delete or right-click then select Delete.

    Deleting objects may lead to deleting other objects dependent on the object to be deleted.
    When this is the case, a dialog box appears identifying which features are impacted by the deletion, and prompting you to decide whether to delete the impacted features or not:
  3. Click More>> when necessary for more advanced deletion possibilities:

    For detailed information on the options displayed in this dialog box, refer to Deleting Features.
  4. When finished, click OK to confirm.


More about the Delete command

When deleting new, modified or pointed documents, a warning message gives you a list of unsaved documents that will be removed and prompts you to:

  • click Yes if you want to edit these modified documents. This opens in a new window each document listed in the warning message
  • click No if you do not want to keep the modifications
  • click Cancel to cancel the delete operation and restore the previous state.

"Pointed documents" implies directly pointed documents as well as documents indirectly pointed by a document about to be deleted. For instance, when deleting a sub-product, all the modified CATPart documents included in this sub-product will be listed in the warning.

Nevertheless, note that documents may not be listed in the warning message. This is the case when a document is:

  • edited in another editor. For instance, if you open a CATPart document using the Open in New Window contextual command then delete one of its instances, you will not be asked to edit the document
  • pointed by another document edited in another editor.