Creating an ORACLE Database for Settings Persistency

You will now create an ORACLE user that will be used for storing Settings Persistency using the ORACLE Enterprise Manager Console. This user must have at least CONNECT and RESOURCE privileges.
For this task, you will need the following:

Input placeholder used in this Doc task



<database_name> name of the database that you want to use for storing settings ORACLE Administrator
<dba_username> database administrator user name ORACLE Administrator
<dba_password> database administrator user password ORACLE Administrator


Output placeholder  used in later Doc task


Task used in

<database_name> name of the database that you want to use for storing settings Creating the Enterprise Archive File
<settings_username> name of database user corresponding to settings persistency  Creating the Enterprise Archive File
<settings_password> password of database user corresponding to settings persistency  Creating the Enterprise Archive File

Creating ORACLE Database for Settings Persistency

The following steps describe a way to create the database user for Settings persistency using the ORACLE Enterprise Manager Console.

On a machine where ORACLE database administration tools are installed

  1. On Windows, start the ORACLE Enterprise Manager Console using the <dba_username> and <dba_password> in order to log on as the database administrator and expand the navigation tree to Network / Databases / <database_name> / Security / Users (where <database_name> is the name of the database that you created for storing settings).

    On UNIX, the ORACLE Enterprise Manager Console can be started by typing the following command from an X terminal having ORACLE commands in its path:

    oemapp console


  2. Right-click on the Users node and select Create from the contextual menu.

  3. In the Create User dialog box, set the following fields as follows:

    Name:  <settings_username>, database user name that will be used for Settings persistency.
    Enter Password: <settings_password>, database password that will be used for Settings persistency.
    Confirm Password: <settings_password>, database password that will be used for Settings persistency.

  4. Click the Role tab:


  5. In the Available list, select RESOURCE.

  6. Click on the "down arrow" located between the Available and Granted lists:

  7. Click the Create button, the following message should appear:


  1. To test the Settings persistency database, user and password, use the command line tool on the machine where the web application will run on a WebSphere Application Server to run the following command:

sqlplus  <settings_username> / <settings_password>@<database_name>

If the sqlplus command fails to connect to the database with these credentials, check with a database administrator if the <database_name> definition is properly defined on the machine (check files such as tnsnames.ora, etc.), and if the ORACLE database is installed on a remote server, check if the ORACLE port (default 1521) is accessible from the machine to that remote server.