Starting CATIA, DELMIA or ENOVIA DMU Navigator


There are several methods for starting your product.

For detailed reference information about all the different methods for starting your product, refer to "Basic Tasks", "Starting a Session on Windows" in your Infrastructure Users Guide.

The most simple is from the desktop.

If you want to start your product in a language other than English, refer to the sections "Starting a Session in a Language Other than English on Windows" in your Infrastructure Users Guide.


On Windows

Starting CATIA from the Desktop

  1. Double-click the CATIA V5R18 default environment shortcut on the desktop.

The Version 5 window will look like this, for example, if you installed the  configurations CATIA - Mechanical Design (MD2) and CATIA - Drawing Production (DP2):

Starting ENOVIA DMU Navigator from the Desktop

  1. Double-click the ENOVIA DMU Navigator V5R18 shortcut on the desktop.

The Version 5 window will look like this, for example, if you installed the DPS-ENOVIA-DMU-DIGITAL-PRODUCT SYNTHESIS 2 Configuration:

Starting DELMIA from the Desktop

  1. Double-click the DELMIA V5R18 shortcut on the desktop.

The Version 5 window will look like this, for example, if you installed the DELMIA - DPM Assembly 2 Configuration:


If a nodelock license certificate was imported during the installation, the license is automatically reserved, allowing you to enter the session immediately without having to reserve the license using the License Manager.

If you did not import a NODELOCK license certificate

If you chose to run Version 5 now, but did not import a nodelock license certificate, a message window appears informing you that you have not yet requested a configuration or product license:

Click the OK button.

The License Manager dialog box is then displayed in front of the application window, and contains a list of the names of installed software. The configuration/product names are grayed out.

For example, when starting CATIA:

The License Manager dialog box lists the configurations and products you installed. This is the first time you are starting Version 5, and you have not yet reserved any licenses.

At this stage, if you click the OK button, a session will still be started, but you will not be able to work with the product: menu commands will be grayed out, and you will only be able to use the File->Exit command.

At this stage, you will not be able to go any further until you register your licenses.

To register nodelock licenses after the installation, as explained in Enrolling Nodelock Licenses After the Installation, you must import a license certificate using the command:
Start->(All) Programs->MyProduct->Tools->Nodelock Key Management V5R18

Once you have imported a nodelock license certificate, start a session directly from the desktop by double-clicking the default environment shortcut for your product.

You can now use the software you installed and for which you enrolled a license.

Your licensing settings are stored in a settings file. During a session, you can reserve and release licenses using the Licensing tab accessible via the General category of the Tools->Options... command. For more information, refer to Reserving Static Licenses Using the License Manager.




If you want to start your product in a language other than English, refer to the sections "Starting a Session in a Language Other than English on UNIX" in your Infrastructure Users Guide.


Using the Desktop

  1. On CDE desktops (AIX, HP-UX and Sun Solaris), open the Application Manager cabinet on the front panel.

  2. Open the MYPRODUCT directory.

  3. Double-click the MYPRODUCT V5R18 icon.

You do not see the icon immediately. To display the icon, you must click the Application manager icon on the CDE front panel, go into the Desktop Tools cabinet, then double-click the Reload Applications icon. You can also log off and log on to display the icon.

You can also double-click document icons in your file manager to start Version 5. Note, however, that this starts a new Version 5 session each time: the document is not added to a Version 5 session which is already running.

From the Command Line

The principal command you will use is the catstart command.

This command is used to launch other programs for:

  • starting a Version 5 session for your product line
  • running Version 5 environment administration tools (catiaenv, setcatenv, delcatenv, lscatenv, chcatenv, readcatenv)
  • running Version 5 software management tools (CATSoftwareMgt, CATNodelockMgt, CATOptionsMgt, ... and the equivalent batch commands).

To do so:

  1. Log on as either root or end user.
  2. Enter the command:

Starting CATIA

/usr/DassaultSystemes/B18/OS/code/command/catstart -run CNEXT



Starting ENOVIA DMU Navigator

/usr/DassaultSystemes/B18/OS/code/command/catstart -run DMU



Starting DELMIA

/usr/DassaultSystemes/B18/OS/code/command/catstart -run DELMIA



where "OS" is:

  • aix_a
  • hpux_b
  • solaris_a

to start a session using the default global environment created at installation.

You can also run the command by changing to the directory:


If you do so, run the command like this:

./catstart -run MYPRODUCT