Vault Administration Tools

There are two vault administration tools. The purpose of the first one is to encrypt database password for VaultServer properties file, and the second one is about how to administrate a VaultServer from a remote workstation. The remote workstation requires an ENOVIA VPM Product Editor installation (VPC) or Vault Administration (VAR) configuration.

This vault administration tools are available on both UNIX and Windows. This section illustrates the commands on UNIX.

Conventions for command syntax:


Feature Example Explanation
Bold text START  Enter text exactly as written
Lowercase italics user_name  A clause value; substitute an appropriate value.
Vertical bar  |  Separate alternative syntax elements that may be optional or mandatory.
Brackets [OFF | ON] One or more optional items. If two items appear separated by |, enter one of them. Do not enter the brackets or |.
Braces {OFF | ON} A choice of mandatory items. If two items appear separated by |, enter one of them. Do not enter the braces or |.


Database password encryption for the Vault Server properties file

You can generate the database password to put in the VaultServer properties file by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart  -run "GenVaultPasswd -UserName user_name -Passwd user_database_password"

Then, you can copy and paste the password from the output into the properties file. The pertaining key is VaultServer_DBPassword.

Some usage help will be provided if you execute:

./catstart  -run  GenVaultPasswd

VaultServer administration tool

In order to allow remote administration services on VaultServer, a tool called vsadm, which stands for VaultServer Administration, has been supplied. Some usage help will be provided if you execute:

./catstart  -run  vsadm

How to start/stop a VaultServer from a remote workstation

You can start a remote VaultServer by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  START {ALIAS vaultserver_alias_name

                         VAULT vaultserver_name

                         HOST  vaultserver_host

                         PORT  vaultserver_port }"

You can stop a remote VaultServer by using the following command:

./catstart  -run "vsadm  STOP {ALIAS vaultserver_alias_name  |

                               VAULT vaultserver_name

                               HOST  vaultserver_host

                               PORT  vaultserver_port }"

How to refresh VaultServer properties from a remote workstation

You can reload VaultServer properties by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  REFRESH  PROPERTIES

                          VAULT   vaultserver_name

                          HOST    vaultserver_host

                          PORT    vaultserver_port }"

Here is the list of VaultServer properties you can modify and reload:


If you are using a VaultCache, you can modify and reload the following additional properties:


How to enable VaultServer tracing from a remote workstation

You can enable tracing on a VaultServer by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart  -run "vsadm  TRACE {ALIAS vaultserver_alias_name  |

                         VAULT     vaultserver_name

                         HOST      vaultserver_host

                         PORT      vaultserver_port }

                             {ON  | OFF }"

How to list VaultAliasName

You can list the whole set of VaultAliasName entries by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  LIST  ALIAS"

How to get VaultClient configuration parameters on the local workstation

You can get VaultClient parameters configuration by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  GET  CLIENT  CFG"

How to get VaultServer configuration parameters from a remote workstation

You can get VaultServer configuration parameters by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  GET  SERVER  CFG  FOR {ALIAS   vaultserver_alias_name|

                          VAULT   vaultserver_name

                          HOST    vaultserver_host

                          PORT    vaultserver_port}"

How to have a VaultServer online/offline from a remote workstation

You can have a VaultServer online/offline by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  TAKE {  ALIAS   vaultserver_alias_name  |

                          VAULT            vaultserver_name

                          HOST            vaultserver_host

                          PORT            vaultserver_port }

                          {ONLINE  |  OFFLINE }"

When a VaultServer is offline, all database connections are released and client requests receive a specific answer which is a dedicated error message. However, client/server orbix connections are kept. Thus, the client applications do not need to be restarted when the VaultServer is put back online.

How to test a VaultServer from a remote workstation

You can test if a VaultServer is OK by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  TEST  ALIAS   vaultserver_alias_name"

This test creates a file in the vault and reads it. The creation of the file confirms that the vault is running correctly.

How to get VaultServer request queues state from a remote workstation

You can get VaultServer request queues state by using the following command logged on as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  GET  SERVER  REQUEST  STATE  FOR { ALIAS vaultserver_alias_name|

                          VAULT vaultserver_name

                          HOST  vaultserver_host

                          PORT  vaultserver_port }"


Commands for VaultCache Management

How to force documents refresh between VaultCache and VaultServers from a remote workstation

You can force document refresh between VaultCache and all VaultServers by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  REFRESH DOCUMENTS VAULT vaultserver_name

                          HOST  vaultserver_host

                          PORT  vaultserver_port

                          [FETCHSIZE fetch_size_value]"

The command above trigger a document version check and refresh for the Whole set of document hold by the VaultCache regarding all the VaultServer cached by the VaultCache. You can specify your own fetchsize if you want.

How to force documents refresh between VaultCache and a given VaultServer from a remote workstation

You can force document refresh between VaultCache and a given VaultServer identified by an alias by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart  -run  "vsadm  REFRESH DOCUMENTS VAULT vaultserver_name

                   HOST  vaultserver_host

                   PORT  vaultserver_port

                   FROM ALIAS vaultserver_alias_name

                   [FETCHSIZE fetch_size_value]"

The command above triggers a document version check and refresh for the whole set of documents held by the VaultCache regarding a given VaultServer. You can specify your own fetchsize if you want.

How to add new documents into VaultCache and force document refresh from an input file containing a list of Vault document URLs

  You can add new documents and force document refresh between VaultCache and a given VaultServer by using the following command logged as root:

./catstart -run "vsadm REFRESH DOCUMENTS VAULT vaultserver_name

            HOST vaultserver_host

            PORT vaultserver_port

            FROM FILE file_full_path_name

            [ FETCHSIZE fetch_size_value]"

The command above triggers a document version check and refresh for the list of vault document URL specify by the input file. If a document is missing in the VaultCache, it is added automatically. You can specify your own fetchsize if you want.

The FROM FILE file which needs to be used should be a text file and should contain a list of Vault URLs, and the format of Vault URLs should look like this:


For example, create a file, for instance VDocURLColl.txt in which the entries look like this:


and then provide the path of the same file while using the command below.

./catstart -run "vsadm REFRESH DOCUMENTS
VAULT vaultserver_name
HOST vaultserver_host
PORT vaultserver_port
FROM FILE file_full_path_name
[ FETCHSIZE fetch_size_value]"