AIX Tip of the Week

Identifying the Serial Number of a Remote RS/6000

Audience: AIX Administrators

Date: January 21, 2000

The following AIX commands identify the model and serial number of PCI based RS/6000s

Model Number: uname -M
Serial Number: lsattr -El sys0 -a systemid

These commands can make it easier to inventory remote systems via an rexec command or telnet session.

These commands do not work on older Microchannel based systems. On these systems, you can use the "uname -m" command to generate a code that corresponds to the model (but not serial number). See the documentation for the AIX "uname" command for the code-model number correlation.

The following Korn shell script uses these and other commands to list the configuration of a RS/6000. The output includes the model, serial number (PCI only), number of CPU's, amount of memory, disk space, TCP/IP address and AIX level.

Example of the Output

Host/IP Address  = is
RS/6000 Model    =  7009-C10
Number of CPU's  =  1
Memory (KB)      =  65536
AIX Level        =
Number of hdisks =  5
Volume Groups
        VG	 Total(MB)	      Free	      USED	     Disks
    datavg	      1000	       244	       756	         1	
    rootvg	      1000	        60	       940	         1	
  externvg	      2356	      1032	      1324	         3	

Korn Shell Script

# Bruce Spencer, IBM
# 2/4/99
# Modified 1/20/2000 to add serial number and "uname -M"
# This program identifies the Model, serial number (PCI only), memory, CPU'
# and disk on a RS/6000

# Hardware Codes for MCA based systems
CODE=`uname -m | cut -c9,10 `
case $CODE in
        02) MODEL="7015-930";;
        10) MODEL="7016-730, 7013-530, 7016-730";;
        14) MODEL="7013-540";;
        18) MODEL="7013-53H";;
        1C) MODEL="7013-550";;
        20) MODEL="7015-930";;
        2E) MODEL="7015-950";;
        30) MODEL="7013-520, 7018-740/741";;
        31) MODEL="7012-320";;
        34) MODEL="7013-52H";;
        35) MODEL="7012-32H";;
        37) MODEL="7012-340";;
        38) MODEL="7012-350";;
        41) MODEL="7011-220";;
        42) MODEL="7006-41T/41W";;
        43) MODEL="7008-M20";;
        46) MODEL="7011-250";;
        47) MODEL="7011-230";;
        48) MODEL="7009-C10";;
        57) MODEL="7012-390, 7030-3BT";;
        58) MODEL="7012-380, 7030-3AT";;
        59) MODEL="7012-39H, 7030-3CT";;
        5C) MODEL="7013-560";;
        63) MODEL="7015-970/97B";;
        64) MODEL="7015-980/98B";;
        66) MODEL="7013-580/58F";;
        67) MODEL="7013-570/770/771/R10";;
        70) MODEL="7013-590";;
        71) MODEL="7013-58H";;
        72) MODEL="7013-59H/R12";;
        75) MODEL="7012-370/375/37T";;
        76) MODEL="7012-360/365/36T";;
        77) MODEL="7012-355/55H/55L";;
        79) MODEL="7013-590";;
        80) MODEL="7015-990";;
        82) MODEL="7015-R24";;
        89) MODEL="7013-595";;
        90) MODEL="7009-C20";;
        91) MODEL="7006-42x";;
        94) MODEL="7012-397";;
        A0) MODEL="7013-J30";;
        A1) MODEL="7013-J40";;
        A3) MODEL="7015-R30";;
        A4) MODEL="7015-R40";;
        A6) MODEL="7012-G30";;
        A7) MODEL="7012-G40";;
        C0) MODEL="7024-E20";;
        C4) MODEL="7025-F40";;
        4C) MODEL=`uname -M`;;  # PCI systems
         *) MODEL="Unknown";;
# echo "Hostname         = " $(hostname)
echo "Host/IP Address  = " $(host $(hostname) )
echo "RS/6000 Model    = " $MODEL

SN=$(lsattr -El sys0 -a systemid 2>/dev/null)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "Serial Number    = " `echo $SN | awk ' { print $2 }'` 

echo "Number of CPU's  = " $(lscfg |grep -c "^+ proc")
echo "Memory (KB)      = " $(lsattr -El sys0 | awk '/realmem/ {print $2 }')
echo "AIX Level        = " $(oslevel)
echo "Number of hdisks = " $(lspv |wc -l)
echo "Volume Groups"
# list volume groups disk avail/used

for i in $(lsvg)
lsvg $i 
done | awk ' 
BEGIN      { printf("%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n","VG","Total(MB)","Free","USED","Disks") }
/VOLUME GROUP:/ { printf("%10s\t", $3)  }
/TOTAL PP/ { 	B=index($0,"(") + 1
		E=index($0," megaby")
		printf("%10s\t", substr($0,B,D) )
/FREE PP/  { 	B=index($0,"(") + 1
		E=index($0," megaby")
		printf("%10s\t", substr($0,B,D) )
/USED PP/  { 	B=index($0,"(")  + 1
		E=index($0," megaby")
		printf("%10s\t", substr($0,B,D) )
/ACTIVE PV/ { printf("%10s\t\n", $3)  } '