AIX Tip of the Week: AIX Performance Diagnostic Tool
Audience: AIX Administrators
Date: June 4, 1999
AIX's Performance Diagnostic Tool (PDT) assesses the current state of a
system and tracks changes in workload and performance. It attempts to
anticipate problems and suggest solutions before they become critical.
PDT monitors the following areas:
- Resource imbalances: uneven utilization of devices or other resources
- Usage trends: significant changes in usage levels
- New sources of system utilization: identify new resource intensive processes that haven't been observed in the past
- Inappropriate system parameter values: settings that may cause problems
- Errors: hardware/software problems that may lead to performance degradation
PDT is part of the base AIX 4 operating system (bos.perf.diag_tool).
Refer to the AIX documentation for PDT setup and usage information.