AIX Tip of the Week

Subject: Create Web Pages from nmon Files Using nmon2web Tool - Part 3

Audience: All

Update: June 16, 2008

This is the third of a series of tips that illustrate how to automate the collection and display of nmon performance data from multiple servers. It extends the capability in previous tips to include the aggregate utilization of all partitions on the physical server. This includes CPU, memory, virtual I/O and virtual ethernet. This tip is targeted primarily for micropartitioned systems. However, it may be of broader interest for the following new features:

The necessary scripts and documentation are provided in the following file: nmon2web.tar.gz Run the following command to extract:
gunzip -dc nmon2web.tar.gz | tar -xvf-

Update 14July2006: Update to fix several bugs. The old version of "" should be replaced.

Update 18August2006: Updated the "index.html" to address Javascript differences between Internet explorer vs Firefox and how they calculate dates.

Update 2Nov2006: Changed LPAR display to include free pool, added limited Linux nmon support.

Update 6Dec2006: I've received several reports of fibre channel adapters being named "not available" (as opposed to fcs1). This will break the adapter charts. The problem is that "not available" is too long for rrdtool. The fix is to change "not available" to "NA" by adding line 747 below (your line number might vary).

743   $heading=(grep(/^$category\,/, @nmon))[0];
744   if ( length($heading) eq 0 ) { next; }  # skip if heading not found
746   $heading=~s/\%/Pct/g;
747   $heading=~s/not available/NA/g;
748   $heading=~s/[^_0-9a-zA-Z,]*//g;  #edit nmon name to make rrd compatibl        e
749   @cols=split(/,/,$heading);

Update June 2008 Fix to display AIX adapters on new AIX5.3 TL's nmon2web_16jun08.tar.gz

Bruce Spencer,

September 2007