Date: December 23, 2000
IBM has an ftp site with various Linux/GNU apps compiled for AIX 4.3 and 5L. The tools are in RPM format, so be sure to get the "rpm" install package.
Here is the summary
Application Development - gcc, g++, gdb, rpm, cvs, automake, autoconf, libtool, bison, flex, gettext
Desktop Environments - Gnome and KDE
GNUbase utilities - gawk, m4, indent, sed, tar, diffutils, fileutils, findutils, textutils, grep, sh-utils
Programming Languages - guile, python, tcl/tk, rep-gtk
System Utilities - emacs, vim, bzip2, gzip, git, elm, ncftp, rsync, wget, lsof, less, samba, zip, unzip, zoo
Graphics Applications - ImageMagick, transfig, xfig, xpdf, ghostscript, gv, mpage
Libraries - ncurses, readline, libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, slang, fnlib, db, gtk+, qt
System Shells - bash2, tcsh, zsh
Window Managers - enlightenment, sawfish
Bruce Spencer,
December 23, 2000